My Preparation for the Unplanned First Hiking, Mountain Prau (Part 1)

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I never thought of going uphill and downhill through the dust storm by carrying a biggy-heavy-carrier. Yes I once dreamt to hike the mountains because of the way NatGeo poisoned me by their great-all-the-time-shows (not because I do get fascinated by people’s trends nowadays). Just because the reasons I gave to my family ain’t strong enough to convince them, that’s why I just tried to hike in my last year of college life, sounds late…yes, but here the talk went in that day, we were on a flight to Jogja and I took some picture of the mountains. I tried asking him.

“Dad, following kids these days, can I go uphill too?” (I know my words..)
“Tell me first where you’re going.”
“Ya Idk, I’m just guessing if you’re going to give me some kind of permissions”
“You better tell me what mountain you gonna hike and with whom you’re going to do it”
“I’m sure I will tell you the details, but could I?”
“Yes of course, why not? As long as you know how the safety things should be done”

Luckiness was mine (anyway the real conversations were longer than this, I just kept it short). Then here comes the day where I hiked for the first time, Mt. Prau! The butterflies filled my belly as well, I’m (still) so happy I could not wait!

My preparation was kinda blurry. 
I just dunno what to bring, what was the difference between daypack and carrier, how many clothes I should go with, how could I eat up there, well, the hiking thingy might sound a bit flustering for newbie (or it is just me). My first try was using daypack, tbh it ain’t a daypack, it’s just a bag which is functional for carrying a laptop too. It’s so tight could not even pack my sleeping-bag and mat. Gosh. It was all for the next day but just got hooked up by unnecessary parts. Tried repacking my stuffs. Put it in. Then out. In. And out. Then I started crying for these undone things for hours.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Minutes passed, brain started cracking then I tried calling my pals for helps. Not for the sake of helping me pack the whole things up using this worst daypack ever, but for borrowing his carrier, lol.
And he promised me to give one tomorrow morning! Yay, it’s such a relieve.
Then I continue myself for sticking up to the things I need to carry.

  • Personal shower equipment
  • A wardrobe of clothes (including veils, pants, long sleeve t-shirts, socks, gloves, BUFF, hat, jacket)
  • Many chocolate bars of chunky bar! (I preferred almond!- no one is asking btw)
  • Planned-medicine-for-unplanned-sickness (I worry myself would be such burdensome)
  • That big sleeping-bag fits for two (I cried all my way up there because my carrier was full of this and hoping to buy the smaller one someday)
  • Aluminum-foil mat (Someone suggested me to bring the mat with aluminum-foil matt just because I’m single and worrying the fact no one will hug me when the temperatures got lower. Nice explained)

[To be continue in part 2, and next, next, next.]

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